Before my 2/3 mushroom compost, 1/3 topsoil blend came to our home, my gardens were "special needs". The clay was hard and the rocks were plentiful. I shoveled on the nutrient rich compost like a mother feeding her hungry child. And my little piece of earth responded. The above picture is after the compost. The picture below is what this same little bed looked like as I was applying the compost.
Here is another before and after picture:
And now some more fun afters:
Clearly, the soil where roots are planted is vital to the life and proliferation of plants. So too with us. I've found in my own life that when I have tried to plant my desires apart from God, my efforts have been frustrated. However, when my roots are planted deep into God's heart, reaching to him, hungry for his nutrient rich guidance....then I produce fruit. How wide, long, high and deep God's love is for us is best demonstrated when we plant our lives, our roots, in Him. I'm thankful for God's mercy for those times when I plant my roots in clay and rocks and for His overwhelming blessings when I choose Him.