My grandsons have arrived and my world is spinning at break neck speed! However, I must add it is also more vibrant, full and beautiful. A couple of years ago I bought a giant book on insects hoping for the day when my grandchildren would come and we could explore together. That book was meant for our home. Ethan (5), and Remington (3), who have recently moved to Olympia from San Diego, have taken hold of that book with such excitement and curiosity, I can barely keep up with their hunger to learn. As we explored outside for examples of the insects featured in the book, I quickly realized we needed lab supplies. We now have a lab that includes specimen jars with magnifying lids, hand held magnifying glasses, a cool microscope that allows viewing from above and underneath, a butterfly net, tweezers, and my lap top for identification of mystery insects.
My grandson Devin in the lab, as he made the big trip to Grandma's on my birthday. |
As we find specimens the boys are learning to check for similarities from the book's featured insects, counting legs, observing colors and body parts, and classifying accordingly. We have caught dragonflies, damselflies, various beetles, butterflies, moths, bees, worms, ants, and spiders. We are learning about camouflage, life cycles, feeding, mouth parts, and insect communication.
One day we even took our investigation to another level and made an ant brownie. We made sure all the major body parts were there, counting, and checking for accuracy. The boys did a little communicating in ant talk as well.

When they arrive to our home Ethan will often want to read a bit more on an insect he has been thinking about. He loves to sit beside me and read about them together and I love to share. In Psalm 8:1 it says, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" "You have set your glory above the heavens." "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise." What a wonderful way to celebrate and praise our creator by learning more about his wonders. Children are wired to wonder about God's creation and what a pleasure it is to share in that wonder. Psalm 9:1 says, "I will praise, O Lord with all my heart; I will tell of your wonders." "I will be glad and rejoice in you." "I will praise to your name, O Most High." We are exploring and telling of God's wonders and we are impressed!
Remington is excited about his female cabbage butterfly. |
Ethan's much loved dragonfly. He is painfully learning that releasing after investigating is the better choice. |
This cute little Garden Sprite named Dylan was found on my birthday. |