Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Over-Flowing Heart

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116:7.

I have so much to share! First of all, our newest family member, Oliver Atticus Walter has finally arrived! He is a perfect in every way, and our family is just over the "Super" moon with excitement and thankfulness. Cast your eyes on this handsome lad:
I was privileged to help my daughter for a week when she came home from the hospital with Oliver on Mother's Day, no less. This was an especially touching event because 28 years earlier I had brought my daughter home from the hospital on Mother's Day.  Mother's Day cannot get any better than that! The joy of holding this snuggling, precious gift was like refreshing water percolating through dry pebbles. I felt joy trickle through me until I could do nothing more than cry out my thanks to our heavenly father for He has indeed been good to us.

While at my daughter's my granddaughter Greta and I reconnected in our joined love of gardening.  Greta is only three and a half but she loves the outdoors, digging in the soil and watering plants just as much as me!
I got a secret thrill when she would stand at the door and plea, "I need to go out and garden!" I won a  child's gardening set from Seattle's horticulturalist and TV personality, Cisco Morris, while there and Greta was so excited when I arrived home with new tools for her collection.  I also won a $25.00 gift certificate and was on the radio as I asked Cisco what could be going on with my declining roses on the south end of my rose garden. Alas, I even stumped our pro, because it would appear I'm doing everything right. He suggested I give up on the roses and plant something like red-twigged dogwood, ha! I'm not quite ready go call it quits, so I will give them one more summer to perk up and show me they remember their past glory days.              
I could hardly believe the changes in my own flower beds when I returned.  The new mulch has been just what my plants needed!  My two blueberry bushes are loaded full of green berries, signaling their acid loving approval over their cow manure and bark mulch blanket.  Leaves are vibrant and colorful, and flowers are blooming everywhere I look, with pink and lavender being the predominate colors.

Alliums are a tall and fun new addition this year.

These clematis blooms are making their first appearance after being planted three years ago!
The Azalea's give such a splendid show out my kitchen window.
This is the rainbow weigela I won at a garden show last year. I love its pink flowers.

My soul is indeed at rest, for the Lord has been good to me and I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams! A loved one is having success with a long-term struggle, we have new babies in our family, and my son and his family may be moving back to Washington from San Diego in the next few weeks. It seems the earth is responding in joyful celebration of colors and texture and my heart is tender and over-flowing with emotions and gratefulness. Great is your faithfulness O Lord, your works and grace are present, and I am blessed.


  1. Oliver is so precious! I love him already :) AND...your garden inspires me! I wish I could come have a Monday Funday again! When we went to California recently, I was able to go to my Grandma's house and she imparted her "gardening" wisdom on me (Her garden is also quite amazing!) AND...she sent me home with some irises from her garden that I have since planted at our house in Texas! I can't wait to have beautiful flowers to look at. Love you lots!

    1. Love you lots too sweet girl! Irises are my favorite flower when they are blooming, hands down. But because we have such wet weather their leaves tend to get a virus that looks like the pox after they bloom, which isn't their best look. Your dry Texas weather should be great for Irises. Just remember to keep there rhizome partly exposed, considering them as a solar cell that needs to collect the sun. The roots can be planted deeply.
      How I yearn for more Monday Funday's with all my girls! Someday, someday, we will all do it again. Hubby's or grandparents might need to watch all the kids though! Oh how our numbers have grown! I miss you so much and love watching how God is blessing you and your family. Except for those snakes in the hen-house. I actually had a nightmare about that!
